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Education and Outreach Related to Substance Use

Recreation and Wellness provides a variety of educational outreach presentations related to alcohol and substance use. Presentations are available for residence halls, fraternities and sororities, student organizations, and more. Below is a list of our general outreach presentations related to substance use.


Looking for a presentation on a specific topic? Our staff can tailor most educational presentations for the needs of your group. Please email us at for more information.


This presentation provides a general overview of the basics of alcohol and other drug use. Auburn University drinking culture, individual blood alcohol concentration (BAC) factors, effects of alcohol and drugs on the body, and the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning are all discussed. 


Drinking is a science, and many students know about physiology of drinking. But do you know anything about the psychology of drinking? This presentation covers topics like alcohol expectancies and tolerance, and is best for groups who have already received some basic alcohol education.


Developed by researchers at the University of Washington, Alcohol Skills Training Program, or ASTP, is a risk reduction program that aims to educate students about alcohol use, while increasing their interest in critically examining their drinking patterns.


Recreation and Wellness staff partner with the Office of Student Conduct to provide training on the Medical Assistance Policy for student organizations, their executive officers, and members on dealing with substance use emergencies.​

Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind, and a tranquil spirit...
- Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu-JRR Tolkein

Looking for
Something Else? 

Whether you are a student looking to schedule an educational session for your organization or a faculty/staff member seeking to share information with your colleagues, our staff are ready to work with you to deliver an outreach presentation that best suits your needs.


Not all outreach topics are listed on this page and our staff present on a variety of topics related to alcohol and substance use, campus resources, recovery, and more.


Please contact us to discuss and schedule an outreach event or presentation for your group.

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